Saturday 23 July 2016

Not only hearts :)


I should write this post yesterday - that was my plan... but upset tummy of my little one was much more important. At the moment I should be in bed to add extra few hours sleep to not look like a zombie, but I'm trying to be sure my son is definitely ok.

During the week I was catching minutes to play with wires. Also bought 0.4 mm soft wire to practice wire weaving :).

I was in mood for hearts as you can see :)

Copper looks really good with these cute marbled red beads :)

More red :)

Little heart pendant.

Blue, hammered leaf.

Free form pendant - wire weaving :) plus some seed beads :)


  1. Monika you are doing great with the wire I love them as they are one of a kind.

  2. Thank you Theresa! I think I need some nice copper chain for pendants to have proper jewellery pieces :)
